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Lightning Motorcycles sets land speed records and delivers top-notch riding with its pure electric motorcycle

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Lightning Motorcycles builds the fastest motorcycle on Earth and offers the smoothest, vibration-free ride for the purist who simply enjoys maximum riding pleasure.

From Pikes Peak to Bonneville Salt Flats, Lightning outperforms combustion engine motorcycles

The new episode of Vicor's Powering Innovation podcast is all about electrification with Lightning Motorcycles, a company that produces the fastest electric motorcycle on the planet. Lightning Motorcycles (Lightning) not only makes the fastest motorcycle on Earth, but also prides itself on offering the smoothest, vibration-free ride to the purist who simply enjoys the joy of riding to the fullest.

“The bike provides a sensation of unlimited torque without vibration, noise or heat; It's an almost magical feeling” – Richard Hatfield, founder and CEO of Lightning Motorcycles.

Hatfield sits down with David Krakauer, Vice President of Corporate Marketing at Vicor, to share his story and how Lightning has been able to develop a superior motorcycle in almost every way.

Lightning, headquartered in San Jose (California, USA), is one of the world's largest manufacturers of electric motorcycles. Hatfield stated: “The biggest challenges we face are size, weight and thermodynamics when competing with motorcycles that incorporate an internal combustion engine.” Sophisticated engineering has allowed Lightning to keep the weight of its electric vehicles at around 90kg, the same as competing motorcycles powered by internal combustion engines.

Lightning has set the land speed record at Bonneville Salt Flats (Utah, USA) and won the Pike Peaks race (4.300m altitude) in Denver, but Hatfield is most proud of the incomparable experience of driving the motorcycle.

Vicor's Powering Innovation podcast can be downloaded on major podcast platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music y Google Podcasts. In it, listeners can learn about the biggest power challenges, new ideas about electrification, creative power topologies and real-life power design challenges.

Hear the Lighting Motorcycles podcast.