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Tag: allegro microsystems

allegro microsystems

Allegro MicroSystems announces new and innovative position sensors for ADAS applications

New technology with vertical Hall and TMR elements combines industry-leading accuracy with built-in redundancy for critical systems...
allegro microsystems

Allegro MicroSystems Expands Portfolio of Sensorless XNUMX-Phase BLDC Gate Controllers for...

New devices improve thermal efficiency, reducing power consumption and data center costs Allegro MicroSystems announces that it has expanded...
allegro drivers

Allegro MicroSystems Announces 4V 4x50mm Full Bridge Gate Drivers...

New Controllers Enable Fewer External Component Counts and Smaller Footprints While Improving Performance Allegro MicroSystems today announced...

Allegro MicroSystems Europe presents the new speed sensor IC ideal for commercial vehicles...

Robust design for a variety of target shapes and sizes Allegro Microsystems Europe has announced the release of its A17301, a new IC...