Home General Fast debugging of serial buses in FPGA programmable gate arrays

Fast debugging of serial buses in FPGA programmable gate arrays

Fast debugging of serial buses in FPGA programmable gate arrays
Article provided by Agilent 

Sub-megabit serial buses are found in most embedded FPGA designs. The inclusion of multi-gigabit serial buses in FPGAs is gaining favor. The ease of application, low cost, and backward compatibility with design blocks offered by serial buses make them ideal for a wide variety of applications in a large number of industries. Low-speed serial buses are widely used in the computing, semiconductor, aviation/defense, communications, automotive, medical, and measurement and test industries. Serial buses such as I2C, SPI, CAN, LIN, and RS-232 are typically critical points for debugging designs with FPGAs, whose higher-speed serial buses quickly transmit data from one chip to another. Historically, capturing and decoding information involved a great deal of manual effort if an oscilloscope was used, or the purchase of custom tools. Oscilloscope vendors now include a large number of applications that simplify debugging low-speed serial buses.