Home Automobile Safe Pcb continues in its efforts to improve its commitment to...

Safe Pcb continues in its efforts to improve its commitment to service and quality

After expanding our new production plant, we are pleased to announce that we have obtained the ISO 9001 certificate in quality management, since March 2016 our factory and its management and quality control processes are certified by this international organization. All the subsidiaries of Safe Ltd. And among them its Spanish delegation Safe Pcb Spain SL can give their customers the guarantee they require for the manufacture of electronic equipment and devices in sectors such as the automobile, railway, aeronautics... A copy of the ISO 9001 certificate can be downloaded on our website: www.safe-pcb.com , in the INFORMATION – HOMOLOGATION section. We have also made two new and important investments in our production processes: -New milling machinery -Multilayer pressing With these two processes perfectly integrated into our production system we can offer very short delivery times for multilayer circuits and circuits that require any type of milling.