For industry sectors based on the speed and quality of data transmission, cables have been created in which the transmission is not an electrical signal. Traditional cores have been replaced with fibers and the transfer of information has been entrusted to an optical signal.
Depending on the type of fiber used, the user chooses between:
- polymer fiber (POF – Plastic Optical Fiber), the core of which is made of organic material;
- glass fiber (GOF – Glass Optical Fiber) with a core whose material is often quartz glass;
- polymer glass fiber (photonic crystal fiber) (PCF – Photoniccrystal Fiber) with a glass core and a plastic sheath. Data transfer is possible in one or two directions. The cables in which the transmission is carried out in one direction, we call SIMPLEX, while those in which the transmission and reception of signals are possible in both directions are DUPLEX. Depending on the number of transmitted light beams (modes), we divide the cables into singlemode and multimode. Single-mode optical fibers are designed to transmit a light wave over long distances, up to 150 km. In the case of multimode optical fibers, the dispersion phenomenon makes it impossible to send data over long distances. This type of cabling is used by consumers who require high bandwidth, for example, in local networks over short distances. When choosing fiber optic cables, we come across unclear, often complicated markings that can be a problem for people unfamiliar with cabling to read correctly. One of them is the dimension of the optical fiber 980/1000, which means the diameter of the core (980 microns) and the diameter of the sheath (1000 microns).
TME offer
TME's offer includes Lapp's HITRONIC® POF polymer optical fiber, which enables data transfer in one or two directions. The first group includes cables of the SIMPLEX version, with optical fibers:
- SIMPLEX-PE – Black cable with polymer optic fiber that allows data transfer in one direction, whose P980/1000 fiber is made of PMMA (polymethyl methacrylate) and a fluoropolymer coating.
- SIMPLEX-PE-PUR – orange cable, halogen-free with polymer optic fiber. The cable allows data transfer in one direction. The P980/1000 fiber is made of PMMA and a fluoropolymer coating. The PUR outer sheath makes it resistant to oils and high temperatures.
- SIMPLEX-FD-PE-PUR – orange cable, halogen-free for guided and mobile connections. The polymer fiber used inside with P980/1000 diameter allows data transfer in one direction. Cable dedicated to work in motion, thanks to its great flexibility. The offer also includes cables in DUPLEX version, with double optical fiber:
- DUPLEX-PE – black polymer fiber cable, halogen-free, which allows the transmission and reception of data in both directions (DUPLEX). P980/1000 fiber contains a PMMA core and a fluoropolymer cladding. The cable sheath is made of polyethylene (PE).
- DUPLEX-PE-PUR – orange polymer fiber cable, halogen-free, in the version that allows data transmission and reception in both directions (DUPLEX). The polyurethane (PUR) casing confers resistance to high temperatures and oils. Two fibers with diameter P980/1000, coated with a polyethylene (PE) buffer.
- DUPLEX-HY-PE-PUR – orange cable, halogen-free, with higher tensile strength. Polyurethane wrap provides additional resistance to temperature and oils. The use of two plastic fibers protected by a sheath allows the transmission and reception of the signal in both directions.
- DUPLEX-FD-PE-PUR – Halogen-free orange cable for mobile connections, which allows data transfer in two directions. Polymer fibers coated with a polyethylene (PE) buffer provide additional protection for optical fibers. The outer polyurethane (PUR) sheath confers resistance to high temperatures and oils.
- DUPLEX-PNB-PA-PUR – green cable for PROFINET type B applications, permanently installed. The use of two PMMA fibers with a diameter of P980/1000 allows the transmission and reception of signals in both directions. The outer sheath of polyurethane (PUR) protects the cable from oils and confers resistance to high temperatures.
- DUPLEX-PNB-PA-PVC – cable for PROFINET type B applications, green, with PVC outer sheath. For permanent application in an industrial environment. Two optical fibers with diameter P980/1000 allow transmission in both directions.
- DUPLEX-PNC-PA-PUR – green cable intended for PROFINET type C applications, with mobile connections in the guides. The distinctive feature of the HITRONIC® POF series is its high flexibility, while maintaining the possibility of working under heavy mechanical loads. The properties greatly provide a polyurethane outer sheath, which also protects the cable against oils.