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Identification, synthesis and analysis of Cryptographic Systems based on chaos

Identification, synthesis and analysis of Cryptographic Systems based on chaos
By Javier and Gloria Areitio Bertolin

In this article, cryptosystems of the chaotic type are examined. Chaos is one of the areas of mathematics that explores nonlinear dynamics. After defining the chaotic systems and linking them to cryptography, chaotic cryptosystems of various types are synthesized: symmetric OTP-style based on RNGs/PRNGs and asymmetric or EG-style public key. The main properties and characteristics of chaotic cryptosystems are identified. Chaotic cryptography, its advantages, disadvantages and critical criteria are explored. In chaotic cryptosystems, encryption can be done directly in hardware with audio and video signals in real time, without the need for A/DD/A converters. Chaos can be used to build ciphers, pseudo-random number generators, conventional and blind digital signatures, one-way hash functions, ZK protocols, etc.
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